Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Individual Reflection

1. What was the most interesting proposed used of biomimicry that was developed in blog? Why?
Morphing turbine is the most interesting as it is different from the convential turbine. It uses shape memory material which is able to adapt environmental conditions and changes it shape. The blades of the wind turbine is able to adapt the flow condition s and changes it geometry. This will help increase the aerodynamic geometry and decrese resistance. This structure could help in reducing the electrical consumption and also cost for major factory industries.

2. Do you think that your design is patentable? Is it unique enough to be approved?
Yes. As you know, there are a lot of mamak stalls around Malaysia. Mamak stalls do attract lots of people as the food there are cheap and has unique malysian food taste. If this automatic rain shelter is to be patented and implemented, it will boost the economy of mamak stalls. It is unique as there are no one invent this system. Malaysia mamak stalls do need this kind of system. 

3. Did you think that working as a team made this project easier or harder? Why?
Easier. As each member has own individual part to be done, this study concluded in a good manner. They have contributed time and effort to finish this study. A big thank you for them. 

Individual reflection

1. What was the most interesting proposed used of biomimicry that was developed in blog? Why?
The most interesting proposed used of biomimicry of Venus flytrap are complex lens. The complex lens mimick the structure of the jaws of the Venus flytrap which can react fast to trap insect in it. Shape changing process of tiny lobes at high speed allow which mimick from the flytrap allows the lens to change it concentration point and focus by it own. A better imaging of the distance star can be capture by using this mimiced technologies. 

2. Do you think that your design is patentable? Is it unique enough to be approved?
Yes. Many mamak store are opened in Malaysia and it has becoming a culture for us Malaysia citizen. Malaysia is a tropical country which has a monsoon season where rain falls suddenly. Hence this design is useful and unique for the mamak store which can keep the customers in a comfortable state.

3. Did you think that working as a team made this project easier or harder? Why?
Working as a team made this project easier. Workload are share between the member and the job are getting done faster than expected as each member doing their work according to the schedule. 

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Individual Reflection

Goh Kok Chong

1. What was the most interesting proposed used of biomimicry that was developed in blog? Why?

The most interesting application applied from the biomimicry of the Venus Flytrap is the adaptive optics. Based on the ability of the Venus Flytrap,the leaves or "jaws" of the plant react at high speed to trap its prey due to its high sensitivity of outgrowth or "hairs" to trigger the shape changing of lobes of the "jaws". The shape changing mechanism of the lobes at high speed is applied to adaptive lens. The adaptive lens is able to focus and convert blur image from capture from telescope and convert it to a clearer image. As a result, high definition images of stars and galaxies can be captured to be studied. With the advantage of this adaptive lens, major breakthrough can be achieved in the astronomy field through discovery of new stars and galaxies.

2. Do you think that your design is patentable? Is it unique enough to be approved?

Yes. Based on research from online and journals, there is no such existing design. With its unique ability mimicked from the Venus Flytrap, this design will simplify and benefit human life's. 

3. Did you think that working as a team made this project easier or harder? Why?

Working as a team definitely makes the project completion easier. This is due to the fact that clear communication between team members results in specific segregation of tasks. Simultaneously, tasks are being completed at the same time by each team members. In short, work efficiency of the group increases as workload is divided among the members. Hence, this project was completed with ease and within specific period of time. 

Monday, 22 June 2015


There are a few bioinspiration that were done based on venus flytrap's characteristics. Adaptive optics, morphing turbine and magnetic buttons are the bioinspiration that we have found online. Adaptive optics mimicked the shape changing process of tiny lobes at high speed of Venus flytrap. Complex lens created where the reflectivity of the surface will change to focus by itself. This complex lens is known as adaptive lens which is a method that is widely used by astronomers to correct real-time distortion caused by the turbulence of the earth's atmosphere.

Morphing turbine mimicked venus flytrap's shape changing ability in terms of curvature. Shape memory material is used to produce the rotor blades of morphine turbines. Single element blades of morphing turbine are stiff in structure and implement effective tailoring to produce effective pitch and structure. The advantage of this morphing blade is whenever wind blown towards the wind turbine at any direction, the flow conditions could be adopted and changes its geometry, thus leading turbine spinning with lesser resistance. Besides, electrical consumption and cost for major factory industries can be saved due to low cost needed per  kilowatt energy produced. 

Magnetic buttons mimicked the shutting mechanism of the venus flytrap jaws.  Shutting mechanism of the venus flytrap is where its jaws trap its prey by shutting tightly and leave no space of prey to escape. This mechanism is brought ot the use of magnetic buttons. Magnetic buttons are applicable for clothing. Each pair of jaw consists of opposite poles of magnet namely: North and South. These buttons and easy and convenient when buttoning and unbuttoning shirt.

Industrial Application
The industrial application that can mimick the venus flytap characteristics is automatic rain shelter. As mentioned from industrial application post, automatic rain shelter mimicked the identify system of venus flytrap. The rain shelter can be triggered by having sensitive pressure sensor to sense rain drop and also humid sensor that detect present water. This automatic rain shelter also can differentiate whether it is rain or just birds flying pass. This shelter is applicable to mamak stall where mamak stalls normally consists of indoor and outdoor. Automatic shelter to be implemented at outdoor so they customers do not need to take shelter when it is raining.

It has been 9 weeks since we bought this plant. After killing a few of it, there are still some that are alive. I found out that if they are exposed to too much sunlight, they will die. Each member fully anticipated for this study and these are our effort put into studying the plant. Without further ado it is time to conclude this blog. Concluded bioinspiration that are available online and also the industrial application that was inspired by this plant are mentioned in this post. Thanks group mates for the time and effort. It is time to close this study and focus on finals.

Thank you for reading~